Claudia Rankine's groundbreaking Citizen: An American Lyric and other books have inspired programming and sparked conversations in schools, universities, and communities across the country. (Photo credit: DP Jolly.)
Tsitsi Dangarembga, whose novel This Mournable Body was longlisted for the 2024 Booker Prize this week, has been freed on bail after being arrested while protesting in Zimbabwe Read more here
伔宁市党建:伔宁市公安局指挥中心党支部“四个坚持”扎实推进党风廉政... 伔宁市做好重点场所防控 筑牢疫情防控“铜墙铁壁”
Far off, you are being stitched into a storyline in the smooth lobe of another's / mind
Claudia Rankine's groundbreaking Citizen: An American Lyric and other books have inspired programming and sparked conversations in schools, universities, and communities across the country. (Photo credit: DP Jolly.)
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